
Google Meet - Español

Google Cloud

Discover the power of Google Meet in this comprehensive course. Learn to create and manage video conferences, collaborate effectively, and utilize organizer controls. Master the art of communication and resource sharing with Google Meet.

Throughout the course, you will explore various aspects of Google Meet, including creating and joining video conferences, collaborating with participants, and utilizing the organizer's features. This course is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively use Google Meet for seamless communication and collaboration within your team.

  • Understand the fundamentals of Google Meet
  • Learn to create, join, and manage video conferences
  • Master collaboration features for effective communication and resource sharing
  • Utilize organizer controls for efficient meeting management

Certificate Available ✔

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Google Meet - Español
Course Modules

This course comprises six modules that cover everything from the basics of Google Meet to advanced meeting management and collaboration. You will learn to navigate Google Meet effectively and utilize its features to enhance communication and productivity.

Introducción al curso

Module 1: This module provides an introduction to the course, giving you an overview of what to expect. You will also familiarize yourself with the course outline and objectives.

Introducción a Google Meet

Module 2: Dive into the world of Google Meet with this module, where you will learn the basics of using Google Meet and participate in a quiz to test your understanding.

Usa Google Meet

Module 3: Learn to effectively use Google Meet by understanding how to create, join, and manage video conferences. This module also includes practical activities to reinforce your learning.

Colabora en Google Meet

Module 4: Explore the collaborative features of Google Meet, including audio and video management, participant interaction, and resource sharing. Engage in activities to apply your knowledge.

Administración del organizador en Google Meet

Module 5: Gain insight into the organizer controls of Google Meet, covering participant management, meeting recording, live streaming, and interactive moderation. Engage with additional resources to further enhance your understanding.

Desafío empresarial

Module 6: Conclude the course with a business challenge to apply your newfound knowledge in a practical setting. This module offers a comprehensive overview of the challenge and concludes with a summary.

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