
How Google does Machine Learning en Español

Google Cloud

Discover the best practices for implementing machine learning in Google Cloud with the How Google does Machine Learning en Español course. This course provides insights into Vertex AI, a platform to quickly build, train, and deploy AutoML models without coding. Explore the different aspects of machine learning, its problem-solving capabilities, and responsible AI practices.

The comprehensive modules cover:

  • Implementing machine learning best practices in Google Cloud
  • Utilizing Google Cloud Platform tools for AI
  • Describing Vertex AI Platform and its use for AutoML model creation, training, and deployment
  • Developing machine learning with Vertex AI Notebooks
  • Practicing responsible AI development

Enhance your understanding of machine learning with this course and gain actionable insights into leveraging Google Cloud technologies for your AI projects.

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How Google does Machine Learning en Español
Course Modules

The How Google does Machine Learning en Español course comprises modules that cover implementing machine learning best practices, utilizing Google Cloud Platform tools, and developing responsible AI practices.

Module 0: Introducción al curso y a la serie

Module 0 provides an overview of the course series and an introduction to the course. Understand the focus on AI and its applications in this introductory module.

Module 1: Qué significa centrarse en la IA

Module 1 delves into the meaning of AI, its problem-solving capabilities, and incorporating AI into applications. Learn how to create a data strategy around AI and explore relevant resources.

Module 2: Cómo trabaja Google con el aprendizaje automático

Module 2 explores how Google works with machine learning, addressing surprise factors, the secret ingredient, and the journey towards AI. Gain insights into Google's AI processes, detailed phases, and available resources.

Module 3: Desarrollo del aprendizaje automático con Vertex AI

Module 3 focuses on developing machine learning with Vertex AI, transitioning from experimentation to production, understanding Vertex AI components, and utilizing tools to interact with Vertex AI.

Module 4: Desarrollo del aprendizaje automático con Notebooks de Vertex

Module 4 covers the development of machine learning with Vertex AI Notebooks, including optional labs for SDK usage and resources for further exploration.

Module 5: Prácticas recomendadas para implementar el aprendizaje automático en Vertex AI

Module 5 provides insights into best practices for implementing machine learning in Vertex AI, including data preprocessing, environment configuration, and resources for guidance.

Module 6: Desarrollo con IA responsable

Module 6 emphasizes responsible AI development, addressing human bias, bias in data, evaluating metrics, equal opportunities, error identification, and relevant resources.

Module 7: Resumen

Module 7 serves as a summary of the course, providing a comprehensive overview of the covered topics and key takeaways.

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