
Intro to TensorFlow 日本語版

Google Cloud

This comprehensive course offers practical training in creating, training, and deploying machine learning models using TensorFlow 2.x and Keras. Delivered in Japanese, it covers essential topics such as TensorFlow 2.x API hierarchy, handling datasets and feature columns, designing input data pipelines, and creating deep learning models using Keras Sequential and Functional APIs.

Participants gain practical experience in loading various data types, creating feature columns, and manipulating data with TensorFlow Dataset API. The course also delves into training neural networks using activation functions, regularization techniques, and model deployment on Cloud AI Platform.

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Intro to TensorFlow 日本語版
Course Modules

This course covers a range of essential topics including TensorFlow 2.x API hierarchy, data handling, creating input data pipelines, and building and training deep learning models using Keras Sequential and Functional APIs.


This module provides a brief overview of the course and introduces participants to Google Cloud and Qwiklabs.

TensorFlow の概要

Gain insights into TensorFlow, including its API hierarchy and essential components like TensorFlow and variables. This module also covers practical exercises on tensors and variables.

TensorFlow 入力データ パイプラインの設計と作成

Learn to design and create input data pipelines using TensorFlow, including in-memory and file processing, preparing data for model training, and handling large datasets using API. Practical exercises include loading various data types, creating feature columns, and manipulating data with TensorFlow Dataset API.

Tensorflow 2 と Keras Sequential API を使用したニューラル ネットワークのトレーニング

Explore training neural networks using Keras Sequential API, covering activation functions and practical exercises on classification using the Keras Sequential API and TensorFlow 2.0. Advanced classification exercises are also included.

Tensorflow 2 と Keras Functional API を使用したニューラル ネットワークのトレーニング

Discover training neural networks using Keras Functional API, including topics on regularization techniques and model deployment on cloud platforms. The module also includes practical exercises using the Keras Functional API.


This final module provides a summary of the course content and includes quiz questions as well as a review of the course slides.

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