
Introduction to Vertex Forecasting and Time Series in Practice

Google Cloud

This course, offered by Google Cloud, is designed to provide a thorough understanding of building forecasting solutions using Google Cloud's Vertex AI. Beginning with foundational concepts, you'll progress through an end-to-end workflow, encompassing data preparation, model development, and deployment. The course culminates with a practical application using a retail dataset, allowing you to build your own forecasting models.

What You'll Learn:

  • Key concepts and applications of sequence models, time series, and forecasting
  • Options to develop a forecasting model on Google Cloud
  • Workflow to develop a forecasting model using Vertex AI
  • Building a forecasting solution from end-to-end using a retail dataset

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Introduction to Vertex Forecasting and Time Series in Practice
Course Modules

The course is divided into ten modules, covering topics from foundational concepts to practical applications in retail forecasting. Each module provides a detailed understanding of the key components required to build forecasting solutions using Google Cloud's Vertex AI.


Course Introduction: This module provides an overview of the course and its objectives. It is followed by a reading list to prepare you for the upcoming content.

Time series and forecasting fundamentals

Time Series and Forecasting Fundamentals: This module covers essential topics such as sequence models, time series patterns, analysis, and forecasting notations. It concludes with a quiz to test your understanding.

Forecasting options on Google Cloud

Forecasting Options on Google Cloud: This module introduces various options to develop forecasting models on Google Cloud, including BigQuery ML and Vertex AI. It also includes a lab for hands-on experience in building a demand forecasting model using BigQuery ML.

Data preparation

Data Preparation: This module focuses on the crucial step of preparing data for forecasting models, covering data upload, conversion, feature engineering, and best practices. It also includes a quiz to assess your knowledge.

Model training

Model Training: This module delves into the training setup, context window, forecast horizon, and optimization objectives. It also includes a lab for training a model using Vertex AI Forecast.

Model evaluation

Model Evaluation: This module covers aspects such as training data split, backtesting, evaluation metrics, and model improvement, providing a comprehensive understanding of model evaluation techniques.

Model deployment

Model Deployment: This module focuses on MLOps with Vertex AI Pipelines, making and using predictions, and concludes with a quiz to reinforce your learning.

Model monitoring

Model Monitoring: This module addresses model drift, retraining, and pipeline automation, offering insights into the crucial aspect of monitoring forecasting models.

Vertex forecasting in retail

Vertex Forecasting in Retail: This module provides insights into a retail use case background, steps, considerations, and lessons learned, culminating in a lab to develop an end-to-end forecasting solution in the retail sector.


Summary: This module offers a comprehensive summary of the course, ensuring a thorough understanding of the key concepts and learnings from the entire course.

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