
Organizational Change and Culture for Adopting Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Embark on a transformative journey with the Organizational Change and Culture for Adopting Google Cloud course. Gain insights into digital transformation, Google Cloud, and the essential cultural and change management elements necessary for organizational success. This series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the complexities of cloud adoption and maximize its benefits.

  • Understand the role of cloud modernization and migration in digital transformation.
  • Explore options for running compute workloads in the cloud and the advantages of containers, serverless computing, and APIs.
  • Learn about hybrid and multi-cloud strategies and how GKE Enterprise supports them.
  • Gain essential knowledge for managing change when moving to Google Cloud and supporting teams through the transition.
  • Discover Google’s perspective on DevOps philosophy, SRE culture, and its value for IT operations.
  • Assess your organization’s maturity level in adopting SRE and leverage Google’s technical and cultural fundamentals to drive success.

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Organizational Change and Culture for Adopting Google Cloud
Course Modules

The course modules cover essential topics, including cloud modernization, change management, and developing a Google SRE culture, providing comprehensive insights and strategies for successful Google Cloud adoption.

Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud

Explore the pivotal role of cloud modernization and migration in an organization’s digital transformation, along with the advantages of containers, serverless computing, and APIs in application modernization. Understand the business reasons behind hybrid and multi-cloud strategies and the support provided by GKE Enterprise to implement these strategies.

Managing Change when Moving to Google Cloud

Learn how to effectively manage change when transitioning to Google Cloud, empowering your workforce to collaborate and innovate in new ways. Discover strategies to address the human factor of cloud adoption, increasing the likelihood of achieving business objectives and nurturing future talent.

Developing a Google SRE Culture

Delve into Google’s perspective on DevOps philosophy, the value of SRE in IT operations, and the cultural and technical fundamentals of SRE. Assess your organization’s readiness in adopting SRE and leverage Google’s insights to drive successful implementation.

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