
Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse


Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse is an essential course in the Google Cybersecurity Certification. This course equips learners with the skills to detect and respond to security incidents effectively. It covers incident response lifecycle, network traffic analysis, and investigation and response processes. Through practical activities, participants learn to utilize intrusion detection systems (IDS) and security information and event management (SIEM) tools to investigate security events. The course also emphasizes the importance of documentation and collaboration in incident response. Upon completion of this course, learners will be prepared to pursue entry-level cybersecurity roles.

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Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse
Course Modules

Tirer la sonnette d'alarme : détection et réponse consists of comprehensive modules that cover incident response lifecycle, network traffic analysis, and investigation and response processes, preparing learners for entry-level cybersecurity roles.

Introduction à la détection et à la réponse aux incidents

Introduction à la détection et à la réponse aux incidents provides an overview of incident response lifecycle, the roles of incident response teams, and the tools used in incident response. Learners will also engage in practical activities and quizzes to reinforce their understanding and skills.

Surveillance et analyse du réseau

Surveillance et analyse du réseau focuses on the importance of network traffic flows, techniques for interpreting network communications through packet analysis, and practical exercises in capturing and analyzing network traffic using tools like tcpdump.

Enquête et réponse aux incidents

Enquête et réponse aux incidents covers the phases of incident detection and analysis, documentation best practices, and the use of playbooks and triage in incident response. Learners will engage in activities to investigate and respond to security incidents effectively.

Analyse du trafic réseau et des journaux à l'aide d'outils IDS et SIEM

Analyse du trafic réseau et des journaux à l'aide d'outils IDS et SIEM emphasizes the importance of logs in security control, elements of detection signatures, and techniques for querying events using IDS and SIEM tools such as Suricata, Splunk, and Chronicle. Learners will also complete practical activities to reinforce their understanding of log analysis and querying.

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