
Informes de ventas con HubSpot

HubSpot Academy

In this comprehensive course, you will master the art of customer lead management and sales data analysis using HubSpot's CRM platform. Through a series of engaging modules, you will learn how to set data-driven objectives, cleanse and organize data within HubSpot, and create custom contact properties. Dive into the world of data-based decision-making and discover how to leverage sales metrics for enhanced customer acquisition and service success.

Explore the essentials of Inbound Methodology, conduct A/B testing, and harness the power of HubSpot's sales hub for forecasting and analysis. You'll also gain insights into creating visually captivating reports and dashboards on HubSpot's main panels, along with best practices for data visualization. The course culminates with a hands-on project to showcase your newfound skills in data reporting and dashboard creation.

  • Master effective customer lead management and sales data analysis with HubSpot's CRM tools
  • Create custom reports and visually appealing dashboards to drive sales success
  • Learn data-driven decision-making, sales metrics analysis, and Inbound Methodology essentials
  • Gain practical skills in data reporting and dashboard creation through hands-on projects

Certificate Available ✔

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Informes de ventas con HubSpot
Course Modules

This course consists of engaging modules that cover topics such as data-based decision-making, custom reporting, sales metrics analysis, and dashboard creation using HubSpot's CRM platform.

Base empresarial basada en datos

This module provides an introduction to the course, exploring the fundamentals of data-driven decision-making and setting objectives based on data. You will also learn to clean and prepare data within HubSpot and create custom contact properties. Engage in practical exercises to apply your new skills.

Utilice los informes para impulsar el éxito

Dive into the world of data-driven decision-making in sales and customer service. Explore A/B testing, Inbound Methodology essentials, and the use of HubSpot's sales hub for forecasting and analysis. Gain insights into evaluating sales content and customer service success.

Crear un informe personalizado en HubSpot

Delve into the process of creating custom reports within HubSpot, from considering data aspects to utilizing data sources and designing visually appealing dashboards. Discover best practices for data visualization and gain practical experience in dashboard creation through exercises.

Informes con HubSpot: Aplicación

Conclude the course with a project where you will apply your skills in creating custom reports and dashboards using HubSpot. Access professional support resources and enhance your online presence through LinkedIn.

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