

IBM & LearnQuest

Discover the power of COBOL in the IBM COBOL Core course. This comprehensive program delves into the essential aspects of COBOL, including numeric usage types, editing, branching, structured programming, testing, debugging, table handling, sorting, and intrinsic functions.

Throughout the course, students will engage in hands-on demonstrations, graded quizzes, and remote lab platform sessions to apply their learning in practical scenarios. The curriculum is designed to equip learners with the skills needed to work with COBOL effectively in a professional environment.

  • Gain a deep understanding of COBOL's numeric usage types and how to effectively edit and branch within the language.
  • Explore structured programming, testing, and debugging techniques, along with generating COBOL reports and calling programs.
  • Learn the intricacies of table handling, sorting, and leveraging intrinsic functions to manipulate data efficiently.

By the end of the course, participants will be well-versed in the nuances of COBOL, positioning them for success in leveraging this scalable and mature language within various business contexts.

Certificate Available ✔

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Course Modules

This comprehensive course is divided into three modules, each focusing on different aspects of COBOL, including numeric usage, structured programming, and table handling, among others. Students will engage in hands-on demonstrations, quizzes, and lab sessions to reinforce their learning.

Numeric Usage Types, Editing, and Branching

This module provides a comprehensive introduction to COBOL's numeric usage types, editing, and branching. Students will explore the fundamentals of numeric data, conditional logic, and combined conditions, culminating in a hands-on lab session and a graded quiz to test their understanding.

Structured Programming, Testing, Debugging, and Reports

Structured programming, testing, debugging, and reporting take center stage in this module. Participants will delve into structured COBOL, testing and debugging techniques, generating COBOL reports, and calling programs. The module concludes with a hands-on demonstration and a review session to solidify the learning.

Table Handling, Sorting, and Intrinsic Functions

In this final module, students will master table handling, sorting, and intrinsic functions in COBOL. Through hands-on demonstrations and a graded quiz, learners will gain proficiency in manipulating tables, sorting data, and leveraging intrinsic functions to process and calculate data effectively.

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