
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals


If you aspire to enter the dynamic world of software development, the Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals course by IBM is your gateway to this exciting field. This specialization equips you with the fundamental knowledge and hands-on experience required to embark on a successful career in software engineering. With a focus on practical skills and industry-relevant tools, this program is designed to prepare you for a variety of IT and software development roles, including web and mobile application development, front-end and back-end development, software testing and quality assurance, as well as DevOps engineering.

Throughout the self-paced modules, you will delve into the essential principles of programming, design, architecture, and deployment. You will also gain proficiency in using Git and GitHub for version control and collaborative coding. Furthermore, you will master the use of Linux commands and shell scripting for automation and job scheduling. The course also provides extensive training in Python programming, including data science, AI, and application development using Flask.

Upon completion of this specialization, you will be well-prepared to navigate the software development lifecycle and understand various deployment architectures. Whether you are new to software engineering or seeking a review of the fundamentals, this program will equip you with the necessary skills and job-ready knowledge to succeed in this rapidly growing field.

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Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals
Course Modules

The Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals course covers a wide range of topics, including software engineering principles, Linux commands and shell scripting, version control with Git and GitHub, Python programming for AI and data science, and AI application development with Flask.

Introduction to Software Engineering

The Introduction to Software Engineering module provides a comprehensive overview of software engineering, the software development lifecycle, and essential programming constructs. You will also explore various application architecture and design approaches, as well as career options in the software engineering field.

Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

The Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting module equips you with the necessary skills to navigate the Linux architecture, perform common commands, develop shell scripts, and schedule cron jobs. You will gain practical experience in using Linux for automation and task scheduling.

Getting Started with Git and GitHub

The Getting Started with Git and GitHub module delves into version control, collaborative coding, and DevOps. You will learn to create GitHub repositories, use branches for distributed version control, and collaborate on team projects through pull requests and merge operations. Additionally, you will build a portfolio by sharing an open-source project on GitHub.

Python for Data Science, AI & Development

The Python for Data Science, AI & Development module provides an in-depth exploration of Python programming, including data types, expressions, variables, and data structures. You will also work with Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and Beautiful Soup, and learn to access web data using APIs and web scraping in Jupyter Notebooks.

Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask

The Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask module focuses on creating Python applications and deploying them using Flask. You will learn the application development lifecycle, run unit tests, and ensure coding best practices. Additionally, you will explore the features of Flask and deploy AI-based applications using IBM Watson AI Libraries and Flask.

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