
Introduction to Test and Behavior Driven Development


Introduction to Test and Behavior Driven Development is a comprehensive course offered by IBM, focusing on equipping developers with the necessary skills to build robust applications through test driven development (TDD) and behavior driven development (BDD). The course delves into the importance of testing and the principles of TDD and BDD, providing insights into test case creation, test fixtures, and advanced TDD methods. Learners will explore the benefits of TDD and its complement, BDD, and gain hands-on experience through practical labs and quizzes.

  • Understand the significance of testing in software development
  • Learn the principles and benefits of test driven development (TDD) and behavior driven development (BDD)
  • Develop unit tests, run tests, and improve testing through advanced TDD methods
  • Explore testing tools, coverage reports, factories, fakes, and mock objects
  • Engage in hands-on labs and quizzes to apply and reinforce learning

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Introduction to Test and Behavior Driven Development
Course Modules

This course comprises six modules covering the principles of test driven development (TDD) and behavior driven development (BDD), including hands-on labs, quizzes, and practical demonstrations.

Introduction to Testing

Introduction to Testing is a foundational module that explores the importance of testing in software development and provides an overview of testing levels, TDD, and BDD. Learners will gain insights into creating effective test cases and understanding the traditional release cycle. The module also includes practical quizzes and a glossary to reinforce learning.

Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development delves into the benefits of TDD and introduces learners to testing tools such as Nose. It covers the anatomy of a test case, writing test assertions, and creating test fixtures. Practical demonstrations and hands-on labs enable learners to apply TDD principles effectively.

Advanced Methods for Test Driven Development

Advanced Methods for Test Driven Development focuses on enhancing unit testing through coverage reports, factories, fakes, and mock objects. Learners will gain proficiency in running test cases with coverage, using factories and fakes, and practicing TDD. Hands-on labs provide practical experience in applying advanced TDD methods.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Driven Development introduces the principles and benefits of BDD, covering BDD workflow, Gherkin syntax, and tools such as Behave. Learners will set up the BDD environment, write feature files, and perform hands-on labs to load test data with Behave, gaining practical experience in BDD implementation.

Running Behave for Behavior Driven DevelopmentĀ 

Running Behave for Behavior Driven Development focuses on implementing BDD steps, working with context, and using variable substitution. Practical demonstrations and hands-on labs enable learners to effectively apply the principles of BDD and gain proficiency in running Behave for BDD.

Final Project and Final Exam

The Final Project and Final Exam module provides learners with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. This module serves as a culmination of the learning journey, allowing learners to demonstrate their proficiency in TDD and BDD through a final project and exam.

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