
Supervised Machine Learning: Classification


This course introduces aspiring data scientists to the main types of modeling families of supervised Machine Learning: Classification. The comprehensive curriculum includes training predictive models to classify categorical outcomes and using error metrics to compare across different models. The hands-on section focuses on best practices for classification, including train and test splits, and handling data sets with unbalanced classes.

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • Differentiate uses and applications of classification and classification ensembles
  • Describe and use logistic regression models
  • Describe and use decision tree and tree-ensemble models
  • Describe and use other ensemble methods for classification
  • Use a variety of error metrics to compare and select the classification model that best suits your data
  • Use oversampling and undersampling as techniques to handle unbalanced classes in a data set

Prerequisites for this course include familiarity with programming on a Python development environment, as well as a fundamental understanding of Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics.

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Supervised Machine Learning: Classification
Course Modules

Supervised Machine Learning: Classification covers essential topics including logistic regression, K Nearest Neighbors, support vector machines, decision trees, ensemble models, and modeling unbalanced classes. Gain hands-on experience in classifying categorical outcomes and comparing different models based on error metrics.

Logistic Regression

This module introduces learners to logistic regression, a fundamental concept in supervised machine learning for classification. Topics covered include classification error metrics, implementing logistic regression models, and hands-on labs for practical application.

K Nearest Neighbors

Explore K Nearest Neighbors as a classification technique, covering decision boundary, distance measurement, feature scaling, and practical applications through notebooks and lab exercises. Gain an in-depth understanding of the pros and cons of K Nearest Neighbors for classification.

Support Vector Machines

Gain insight into Support Vector Machines, including classification, cost function, regularization, Gaussian kernels, and implementing kernel models. Utilize notebooks and lab exercises to deepen your understanding of Support Vector Machines for classification.

Decision Trees

Delve into the world of decision trees, covering the overview of classifiers, entropy-based splitting, pros and cons, and practical application through notebooks and lab exercises. Gain expertise in building and analyzing decision trees for classification.

Ensemble Models

This module covers ensemble models, including bagging, random forest, boosting, stacking, and practical application through demo and practice labs. Gain hands-on experience in using ensemble methods for classification and understand their role in improving model performance.

Modeling Unbalanced Classes

Explore modeling unbalanced classes, including model interpretability, examples of self-interpretable and non-self-interpretable models, and various modeling approaches for handling unbalanced classes. Engage in practical exercises to deepen your understanding of modeling imbalanced classes in a data set.

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