
Open Source Programming - Master's

Illinois Tech

Open Source Programming - Master's is a dynamic course delving into contemporary open-source programming languages and frameworks. The comprehensive curriculum covers design and development topics in system, graphical user interface, network, and web programming. Students will gain proficiency in dynamic scripting languages using object-oriented, concurrent, and functional programming paradigms. The course culminates in an open-source programming project, reinforcing concepts through numerous exercises.

  • Explore contemporary open-source programming languages and frameworks
  • Gain proficiency in system, graphical user interface, network, and web programming
  • Reinforce concepts through numerous exercises and an open-source programming project

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Open Source Programming - Master's
Course Modules

The course modules cover foundational topics such as Input, Processing, and Output; Decision Structures and Boolean Logic; Repetition Structures; Functions; File and List Processing; More on Strings, Dictionaries, and Sets; Classes and Objects & Inheritance; and Graphical User Interfaces and Intro to Database Programming with SQLite3.

Module 1: Input, Processing, and Output

The course begins with Module 1: Input, Processing, and Output, providing an overview of essential concepts including comments, variables, data conversions, and calculations. The module also covers introductory readings, a summary, assessment, quizzes, and a practice lab to reinforce learning.

Module 2: Decision Structures and Boolean Logic

Module 2: Decision Structures and Boolean Logic delves into if-else statements, string comparisons, nested ifs, logical operators, and boolean logic. It includes quizzes and a practice lab to solidify understanding of the concepts.

Module 3: Repetition Structures

In Module 3: Repetition Structures, students explore while and for loop structures, running totals, sentinel values, input validation, nested loops, and other related concepts. The module features quizzes and a practice lab for practical application.

Module 4: Functions

Module 4: Functions introduces defining functions, passing arguments, value-returning functions, and modules. Students engage with quizzes and a practice lab to master the application of these concepts.

Module 5: File and List Processing

Module 5: File and List Processing covers loops, records, exceptions, lists, list slicing, list functions, two-dimensional lists, tuples, and file processing. The module integrates quizzes and a practice lab.

Module 6: More on Strings, Dictionaries and Sets

Module 6: More on Strings, Dictionaries, and Sets guides students through dictionaries, sets, serialization, and more on strings. The module includes quizzes and a practice lab for hands-on experience.

Module 7: Classes and Objects & Inheritance

Module 7: Classes and Objects & Inheritance explores classes, object-oriented programming, inheritance, and polymorphism. It incorporates quizzes and a practice lab to reinforce understanding.

Module 8: Graphical User Interfaces and Intro to Database Programming with SQLite3

Module 8: Graphical User Interfaces and Intro to Database Programming with SQLite3 provides an introduction to widgets, databases, database programming with SQLite3, graphical interfaces with Tkinter, and course supplementals. Quizzes and a practice lab are included for practical application.

Summative Course Assessment

Module 9: Summative Course Assessment is designed to assess students' comprehensive understanding of the course material, providing a capstone for their learning journey.

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