
Epidemiology for Public Health

Imperial College London

Thousands of new epidemiological studies are conducted annually, influencing crucial decisions concerning diet, exercise, and healthcare. This specialization from Imperial College London provides essential skills to correctly interpret epidemiological research, consider its limitations, and design your own studies.

Measuring Disease in Epidemiology focuses on interpreting disease frequency, association, and risks. Study Designs in Epidemiology offers an overview of common study designs and their strengths and limitations. Validity and Bias in Epidemiology delves into biases and confounding in study results, providing skills to prevent and control them.

  • Calculate and interpret measures to describe disease frequency, association, and risk.
  • Analyze sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values in the context of screening.
  • Compare and contrast various epidemiological study designs, understanding their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identify and reduce biases that may occur in epidemiological studies.

Upon completion, learners will possess the essential skills to design and critique epidemiological research, paving the way for further advanced courses in epidemiology.

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Epidemiology for Public Health
Course Modules

Epidemiology for Public Health includes three courses. Measuring Disease in Epidemiology teaches interpreting disease measures. Study Designs in Epidemiology covers common study designs. Validity and Bias in Epidemiology focuses on identifying and reducing biases in studies.

Measuring Disease in Epidemiology

Measuring Disease in Epidemiology teaches learners to calculate and interpret measures to describe disease frequency, association, and risk. It also covers the interpretation of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values in the context of screening.

Study Designs in Epidemiology

Study Designs in Epidemiology provides an overview of various epidemiological study designs, allowing learners to compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses.

Validity and Bias in Epidemiology

Validity and Bias in Epidemiology builds on fundamental concepts to discuss bias and confounding in study results. It also equips learners with essential skills to prevent and control bias and confounding, fostering critical thinking about causality.

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