
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19

Imperial College London

Welcome to 'Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19' – a vital course from the Jameel Institute at Imperial College London. This comprehensive program delves into the science behind COVID-19 and its spread, offering insights into epidemiology, infectious disease modeling, health systems, community engagement, virology, and clinical presentations.

Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to learn from world-class experts as they address key questions about the pandemic, the role of communities, and the global response. The modules cover a range of topics including understanding the scale of the outbreak, tracking trends, evidence-based outbreak control methods, the importance of community involvement, multidisciplinary working, and global cooperation in outbreak response.

  • Gain awareness of the scale of the emerging outbreak and how to track trends using reliable sources of information
  • Recognize the key scientific underpinnings of evidence-based outbreak control methods
  • Understand the importance of community involvement, multidisciplinary working, and global cooperation in outbreak response

This course is continuously updated to reflect the latest insights and developments in the COVID-19 situation. Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be used as clinical or other advice.

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Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19
Course Modules

The course modules provide in-depth insights into the COVID-19 pandemic, covering topics such as epidemiology, infectious disease modeling, health systems, community engagement, virology, and clinical presentations.

Introduction to Science Matters: Let's talk about COVID-19

Welcome to the Introduction to Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 module. This module provides an overview of the course and insights into tracking trends and finding reliable sources of information about COVID-19.

COVID-19 Situation Reports: Updates on the Ongoing State of the Epidemic

The COVID-19 Situation Reports module offers regular updates on the ongoing state of the epidemic, delivered by experts. It also covers key definitions in infectious diseases epidemiology and reports on the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions.

How to Forecast an Epidemic: Epidemiology and Infectious Disease Modelling

The How to Forecast an Epidemic module delves into epidemiology and infectious disease modeling, covering essential topics such as the basic reproduction number, case fatality ratio, and international surveillance of COVID-19.

Health Systems and Economic Impacts

Explore the Health Systems and Economic Impacts module to gain insights into capacity planning, financing epidemic responses, and the direct and indirect effects of pandemics on low and middle-income countries.

Community Engagement and Response

The Community Engagement and Response module provides valuable perspectives on community participation, engagement, and strategies, drawing lessons from past outbreaks such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

The Virology of COVID-19

The Virology of COVID-19 module offers an in-depth understanding of the virus, its genetics, replication cycle, testing approaches, and the differences between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

The Clinical Presentations of COVID-19

Delve into the Clinical Presentations of COVID-19 module to learn about the clinical features of COVID-19, emerging therapies, and the treatment of the disease.

Summary Module

The Summary Module provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts covered in the course, along with insights into evolving research and new questions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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