
Semiconductor Optoelectronics

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

This course introduces the students to the field of Semiconductor Optoelectronics, which deals with the physics and technology of semiconductor optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes, laser diodes and photodiodes, which are becoming important components in consumer optoelectronics, IT and communication devices, and in industrial instrumentation.

Assuming a general science undergraduate level background, the course begins with a recap of essential (to this course) semiconductor physics, followed by the study of interaction of photons with electrons and holes in a semiconductor, leading to the realization of semiconductor photon amplifiers, sources, modulators, and detectors. A variety of designs and configurations of these devices have been emerging with application-specific characteristics.

The course is 'applied' in nature, and could be offered at the level of B.E/B.Tech IIIrd/ IVth Year, M.Sc and M.Tech.

Course Lectures