The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (commonly known as IIT Kanpur or IITK) is a public engineering institution located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. It was declared to be Institute of National Importance by Government of India under IT Act. Established in 1959 as one of the first Indian Institutes of Technology, the institute was created with the assistance of a consortium of nine leading US research universities as part of the Kanpur Indo-American Programme (KIAP).
51 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Courses
The course deals with different aspects of modern concrete technology that has evolved as a result of rapid developments in mechanized construction, use of mineral...
Course content: Calculus of Functions of One Variable: Real Numbers, Functions, Sequences, Limit and Continuity, Differentiation : review, successive differentiation,...
Course modules: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion; Dynamic Force Analysis of Machines. Spheric Motion of Symmetrical Bodies and Gyroscopic Effects in Machines....
This course is an advanced level course for UG students and early PG students of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Various aspects of electronic ceramics are covered...
Courses topics: Review of the three laws of motion and vector algebra, Equilibrium of bodies I ,Equilibrium of bodies II, Equilibrium of bodies III, Trusses, Friction,...
The course covers lessons in Electricity and magnetism, Rectangular cartesian coordinate system, Scalar Field, Mathematical preliminaries, Scalar field and Vector...
Course topics: Introduction and Scope, Environmental Systems, Environmental Quality and Pollution, Air Pollution Sources and Assessment of Air Pollution Load, Disposal,...
The course will begin with emphasis on the importance of studying environmental degradation of materials. Fundamentals of environmental degradation of materials...
The course covers lessons in Finite Element Method, Concept of a functional, Stiffness matrix, Rayleigh–Ritz method, Piecewise linear, Element Calculations, Global...
This is intended to be a first course in fluid mechanics for undergraduate students in chemical engineering.The course will begin by introducing the necessary fundamental...