
Signaling actions of small molecules

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)

Explore the intricate world of cellular signaling in the course "Signaling actions of small molecules" offered by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Understand the significant impact of small molecules, known as metabolites, on biological events, energy metabolism, and macromolecular biosynthesis/degradation. Delve into the biochemical basis of metabolite actions in cell signaling and discover how endogenous small molecules interact with target proteins to regulate their functions. The course also examines the implications of metabolite-mediated cell signaling in human health and disease, such as cancer and inflammation.

Throughout the 6-week course, you'll gain insights into the role of noxious gases like nitric oxide in controlling blood pressure, the fundamental mode of energy metabolites in modulating gene expression, and how gut microbiota can influence the human body. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of cellular signaling systems and identify novel ways to manage major human diseases.

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Signaling actions of small molecules
Course Modules

This 6-week course comprises in-depth modules that introduce the fundamental principles underlying various cellular signaling events controlled by endogenous small molecules, offering a comprehensive understanding of metabolite-mediated cell signaling.

Week 1

Week 1 introduces the course and provides a foundational understanding of metabolite-mediated cell signaling. Gain insights into the basic fundamentals of metabolites and major types of molecular interactions.

  • Preview module
  • Week 1 Lecture Note
  • New Quiz

Week 2

Week 2 delves deeper into metabolite-mediated cell signaling, exploring biochemical basis and interesting examples of how endogenous small molecules interact with target proteins.

  • Preview module
  • Quiz 2

Week 3

Week 3 continues the exploration of metabolite-mediated cell signaling, studying the interaction of small molecules with target proteins and their control over protein functions.

  • Preview module
  • Quiz 3

Week 4

Week 4 provides further insights into metabolite-mediated cell signaling, focusing on interesting examples of how endogenous small molecules interact with target proteins and regulate their functions.

  • Preview module
  • Quiz 4

Week 5

Week 5 explores the role of metabolites in cellular signaling, studying how endogenous small molecules interact with target proteins to control their functions in the context of human health and disease.

  • Preview module
  • Quiz 5

Week 6

Week 6 concludes the course, providing a comprehensive understanding of metabolite-mediated cell signaling and its implications in human health and disease.

  • Preview module
  • Quiz 6

Final exam

Prepare for the final exam, which assesses your understanding of the fundamental principles underlying various cellular signaling events controlled by endogenous small molecules.

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