
Incident Management and Continuous Improvement


This comprehensive 3-week course focuses on securing remote teams and enhancing resilience in the face of security incidents. Participants will learn about developing remote work policies, incident reporting, and continuous improvement strategies specific to remote work environments.

  • Equip cybersecurity and remote work professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary for effectively securing remote teams.
  • Learn about developing remote work policies, incident reporting, and continuous improvement strategies specific to remote work environments.
  • Understand the infrastructure of remote teams and create incident response plans for remote work environments.
  • Emphasize the importance of post-incident evaluation and the ability to analyze real-world case studies.

Certificate Available ✔

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Incident Management and Continuous Improvement
Course Modules

The course comprises three modules covering topics like remote work policies, incident reporting in remote security, and continuous improvement in remote team security, preparing participants to proactively manage security in remote teams.

Welcome and Module 1: Remote Work Policies

This module focuses on developing remote work policies, including legal and regulatory considerations, employee engagement, and monitoring remote work performance. Participants will also learn about assembling a multidisciplinary team and the methods to make remote work policies effective.

Module 2: Incident Reporting in Remote Security

Module 2 delves into incident reporting in remote security, covering components of an incident response plan, tools for efficient incident management, incident response roles and responsibilities, and methods for evaluating incident response effectiveness. It also emphasizes continuous improvement in incident management through case studies and refining incident response plans post-incident.

Module 3: Continuous Improvement in Remote Team Security

Module 3 explores continuous improvement in remote team security, focusing on the importance of continuous improvement in cybersecurity, analyzing trends in cybersecurity, managing change in security practices, and integrating new tools and services in security practices. The module also covers creating a remote team security evolution roadmap and analyzing key performance indicators for security governance.

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