
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB


Delve into the world of data science with the "Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB" course offered by MathWorks. Uncover the art of thinking like a data scientist and asking pertinent questions of your data. Utilize MATLAB's interactive features to extract subsets of data, compute statistics, and generate code automatically. Learn to create live scripts to capture your analysis steps and communicate results effectively.

  • Gain skills to import large tabular datasets and customize import options.
  • Explore the process of extracting subsets of data and computing statistics on related data groups.
  • Create customized visualizations to highlight relevant analysis results.
  • Use interactive tools to explore, analyze, and visualize data with automated code generation for result reproduction.
  • Document your work effectively using live scripts and interactive controls.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to load data into MATLAB, prepare it for analysis, visualize it, perform basic computations, and communicate your results to others. The final assignment will challenge you to assess damages following a severe weather event and communicate a polished recommendation based on your data analysis.

Certificate Available ✔

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Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the "Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB" course, covering modules that introduce data science workflow, data import, data visualization and filtering, performing calculations, and documenting your work.

Introduction to the Data Science Workflow

Gain a solid foundation in the data science workflow with an introduction to practical data science with MATLAB. Learn to ask good questions of your data and access MATLAB to kickstart your data exploration. The module will equip you with the essential skills to navigate through the course effectively.

Importing Data

Explore the intricacies of importing data, understanding how data is stored, and utilizing MATLAB's import tool. Discover the significance of automating the import process and generating reusable code. You'll also get hands-on experience with practice quizzes and data visualization exercises.

Visualizing and Filtering Data

Dive into the visualizing and filtering of data, where you'll learn to plot, select, and access data from tables. Understand the process of creating table variables and choosing appropriate visualizations to effectively communicate your data analysis results.

Performing Calculations

Master the art of performing calculations using MATLAB, covering basic mathematical operations, vector usage, and summary statistics. Gain insights into analyzing categorical data, performing group calculations, and visualizing results effectively. Engage in a range of practical exercises and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Documenting Your Work

Discover the importance of documenting your work through live scripts and interactive controls. Learn to create compelling live scripts, add interactive controls, and effectively communicate your data analysis conclusions. Dive into the final assignment, challenging you to allocate resources after a major weather event.

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