
Machine Learning for Computer Vision


In the Machine Learning for Computer Vision course, you will delve into two fundamental tasks in computer vision: image classification and object detection. Throughout the specialization, you will employ MATLAB to perform the entire machine learning workflow, from data preparation to model evaluation. This comprehensive course is designed to enhance your proficiency in engineering and science, ensuring you can effectively classify images of street signs and detect material defects.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Prepare data and create features for image classification
  • Train and evaluate models for image classification
  • Train and evaluate object detection machine learning models
  • Customize model training for various applications using cost matrices

Prior experience in image processing is advantageous for success in this specialization. Enroll today to gain indispensable skills in computer vision and machine learning, with free access to MATLAB for the duration of the course.

Certificate Available ✔

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Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Course Modules

Immerse in Image Classification with Machine Learning, Bag of Features, Evaluating Classification Models, and Object Detection with Machine Learning. Gain hands-on experience in training and customizing models for diverse applications.

Image Classification with Machine Learning

The first module, Image Classification with Machine Learning, provides an in-depth introduction to the machine learning workflow for computer vision. You will learn the fundamentals of preparing images for classification and optimizing model hyperparameters. This module culminates in graded quizzes and concept checks to solidify your understanding.

Image Classification Using Bag of Features

Next, delve into Image Classification Using Bag of Features, which equips you with the skills to utilize bag of features for image classification. You will explore projects focused on ground cover classification using different models, ensuring you gain practical experience in this area.

Evaluating Classification Models

Evaluating Classification Models delves into assessing and troubleshooting classification models. Through projects such as classifying traffic sign images, you will gain practical experience in evaluating classification models using MATLAB, enhancing your proficiency in this critical aspect of computer vision.

Object Detection with Machine Learning

The final module, Object Detection with Machine Learning, guides you through the process of labeling images for machine learning and implementing object detection in MATLAB. You will apply these skills to a wood knots detection project, honing your ability to detect objects within images for diverse applications.

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