
Meta React Native


If you aspire to become a proficient cross-platform mobile app developer, the Meta React Native course is your gateway to success. Throughout this program, you will acquire essential skills and knowledge to create dynamic and user-friendly apps for both Android and iOS platforms.

  • Gain expertise in essential cross-platform programming concepts
  • Master React Native, React, JavaScript, and GitHub repositories
  • Develop a project-based portfolio showcasing your skills to potential employers
  • Learn to design interactive and attractive user interfaces (UIs) for an exceptional end-user experience

Upon completion, you will have the ability to create and maintain reliable, scalable, and user-friendly mobile apps, positioning you for a successful career as a cross-platform mobile app developer.

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Meta React Native
Course Modules

Gain comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in mobile development, programming, version control, React basics, React Native, data management, UX/UI design principles, and a capstone project.

Introduction to Mobile Development

The Introduction to Mobile Development module provides insights into the role of a cross-platform mobile developer and introduces the fundamental concepts of HTML5 and CSS for creating and styling web pages. You will also gain an understanding of React and React Native.

Programming with JavaScript

The Programming with JavaScript module equips you with the skills to create and manipulate objects and arrays, write unit tests using Jest, and develop simple JavaScript codes, laying the foundation for advanced programming tasks.

Version Control

In the Version Control module, you will learn to implement version control systems, navigate and configure using the command line, create GitHub repositories, and effectively manage code revisions for streamlined development processes.

React Basics

The React Basics module focuses on organizing React projects, creating dynamic and interactive web pages and apps, using reusable components, rendering views, and passing data between components via props.

React Native

Explore the intricacies of React Native in this module, covering the building of single-page and large-list React Native apps, configuring user inputs, styling with basic components, and utilizing tools such as React, JSX, and code editing programs like Expo and Visual Studio Code.

Working with Data

The Working with Data module delves into REST APIs, network calls, and data storage using AsyncStorage and SQLite, thereby empowering you to make informed decisions about accessing, storing, and presenting data within React Native applications.

Principles of UX/UI Design

Understand the Principles of UX/UI Design in this module, where you will learn about user experience (UX) design fundamentals, accessibility considerations, user empathy development, and the creation of wireframes and prototypes in Figma.

Capstone (React App)

The Capstone (React App) module concludes the course, focusing on designing and styling responsive User Interfaces (UI), demonstrating clean and bug-free coding, and creating a cross-platform mobile app using React Native, culminating in a real-world portfolio project.

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