
Proyecto final de ingenieros de bases de datos


Join this engaging course and immerse yourself in the world of database engineering with a focus on real-world applications. Throughout the program, you will craft a robust database and client solution for the renowned Little Lemon restaurant. This hands-on experience will enable you to showcase your expertise in MySQL, Tableau, Python, and Git, among other essential tools and technologies.

Throughout this course, you will:

  • Design and implement a MySQL database solution for a restaurant environment
  • Create a reservation system for managing table bookings
  • Utilize advanced techniques to enhance the scalability and performance of the database project
  • Engage in data analysis and visualization using Tableau
  • Develop a database client using Python

This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with practical skills that are highly sought after in the industry. Upon completion, you will have the confidence and proficiency to tackle real-world database engineering challenges.

Certificate Available ✔

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Proyecto final de ingenieros de bases de datos
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover database configuration, report generation, table reservation system development, data analysis and visualization, and project assessment.

Información del proyecto

Module 1 provides an introduction to the course, including setting up the project environment, configuring MySQL Workbench, and creating an entity-relationship model. You will also work with Git for version control and complete a project startup quiz.

Consultas, procedimientos y sentencias preparadas de bases de datos

Module 2 delves into creating sales reports and developing a table reservation system using MySQL. It also covers optimizing queries using stored procedures and prepared statements. You will conduct various preparatory checks and complete a module quiz.

Clientes y visualización

Module 3 focuses on data analysis and visualization using Tableau, along with the development of a database client using Python. This module involves setting up the Tableau workspace, creating interactive dashboards, and implementing query functions in the database client. You will perform preparatory checks and a knowledge assessment.

Evaluación del proyecto

Module 4 concludes the course with a final project review, an example of the Little Lemon database, self-assessment tasks, and a comprehensive final quiz for the entire course.

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