
React Native


Embark on an immersive journey into the world of mobile app development with the React Native course. This in-depth program introduces you to the open-source framework, empowering you to create versatile applications using React and native platform resources. From mastering the fundamentals of React to delving into advanced React Native implementation, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience.

Throughout the course, you will explore a diverse range of React components and learn how to apply styles to enhance your app's visual appeal. Gain practical insights into leveraging different mobile interaction methods with React Native, and discover the power of React Navigation in seamlessly transitioning between screens.

  • Create a single-page React Native application and apply styling using basic components
  • Configure large lists and set up user inputs within a React Native app
  • Utilize the Pressable component to create buttons and clickable areas
  • Set up an application with React Navigation and manage screen navigation

By the end of the course, you'll have acquired proficiency in React, React Native, Front End development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), JSX, and coding tools such as Expo and Visual Studio Code. This program is ideal for individuals aspiring to venture into mobile app development, requiring only basic knowledge of React and a passion for programming to succeed.

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React Native
Course Modules

Dive into React Native with an introduction to the framework, followed by in-depth modules on creating components, managing user input, working with images and links, and mastering React Navigation. The course culminates with a project evaluation, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of mobile app development.

Introducción a React Native

Embark on your React Native journey with an introduction to the framework and an exploration of its real-world applications. Understand the roles of native, cross-platform, and hybrid app developers, and familiarize yourself with the React Native environment. You'll also delve into creating components, applying styles, and practical exercises to solidify your learning.

Listas y entradas de texto en React Native

Delve into rendering large lists using the FlatList component and organizing them into sections with SectionList. Learn to configure the TextInput component for user input, manage the virtual keyboard in mobile applications, and explore passing properties and utilizing methods of the TextInput component.

Pressable, imágenes y enlaces en React Native

Explore the Pressable component for creating interactive text areas, work with the Image component to present visuals in your applications, and understand the use of links in React Native. Discover the features and configuration options of these components through hands-on exercises.

React Navigation

Master the art of navigation in React Native with a detailed understanding of React Navigation. Configure the Native Stack Navigator, explore passing properties to screens, and practice navigating between screens, including the implementation of tab and drawer navigation. Solidify your knowledge through guided exercises.

Evaluación del proyecto final

Conclude your learning journey by applying your skills to a final project. Summarize the course content and embark on a guided exercise to test your abilities in creating a newsletter subscription page. Engage in a peer review to reflect on your challenges and celebrate your completion of the React Native course.

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