
Reign of Pain

Michigan State University

Welcome to the comprehensive course, Reign of Pain, focused on understanding and addressing chronic pain and associated conditions. This course spans seven modules, delving deep into the mind-body connection. From exploring the brain's role in pain perception to identifying emotional and psychological factors, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical knowledge.

Differentiating between structural and neural circuit-related pain, you'll discover emerging therapies like Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) and Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET). Beyond pain, the course also explores the application of this model to various conditions. Gain access to resources to further your understanding and help those dealing with chronic conditions. Reign of Pain aims to empower you with knowledge and compassion, offering hope to individuals living with chronic pain and associated challenges.

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Reign of Pain
Course Modules

Reign of Pain comprises seven modules that offer a comprehensive understanding of chronic pain, exploring the mind-body connection, differentiating pain types, and discovering emerging therapies, with a focus on empowering individuals and providing hope.

Understanding pain

The first module, Understanding Pain, delves into the experience of pain, the brain's role in predictive processing, and differentiating pain types. It also explores bodily injury and pain perception, offering valuable insights into pain processing.

Stress and emotions can cause pain

The second module, Stress and Emotions Can Cause Pain, focuses on understanding pain in relation to stress and emotions. It delves into how the brain learns pain and the physical reactions associated with pain perception, providing comprehensive insights into the mind-body connection.

What causes chronic pain?

The third module, What Causes Chronic Pain, explores the reinforcement of neural circuits after an injury and the linkage of emotions to pain. It also delves into triggers, activated neural circuits, and emotional reactions, providing a deep understanding of the psychological aspects of chronic pain.

Conditions that can be nociplastic

The fourth module, Conditions That Can Be Nociplastic, provides illustrative stories of chronic pain and explores syndromes likely due to neural circuit disorders. It also reflects on traumatic events and personal experiences associated with chronic pain conditions.

How does a doctor assess for neural circuit disorders?

The fifth module, How Does a Doctor Assess for Neural Circuit Disorders, focuses on ruling out structural problems and ruling in neural circuit disorders. It also explores various diagnostic methods and reflects on the investigation and data interpretation.

Treatment of chronic painful conditions

The sixth module, Treatment of Chronic Painful Conditions, reviews current coping models and emerging effective methods for chronic pain. It also explores various therapies and reflects on the onset of pain or other symptoms, providing insights into effective treatment approaches.

Conclusions: Associated conditions and resources

The final module, Conclusions: Associated Conditions and Resources, explores the application of the pain model to other conditions. It also provides insights into associated conditions and resources, offering a comprehensive understanding of chronic pain and its broader impact.

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