
High Throughput Databases with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB


High Throughput Databases with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is a guided project designed to provide practical experience in working with Azure Cosmos DB. In this course, you will learn how to create an Azure account, access the Azure Portal, and set up a new Azure Cosmos DB Account. You will also gain hands-on experience in creating Cosmos DB Databases and Containers, importing sample data, and testing queries using a Cosmos DB Notebook.

Through this project, you will configure both manual and autoscale throughput for databases and individual containers. Additionally, you will learn to set request units (RUs) and make the database globally accessible by creating a Read replica in a different region, ensuring near-user access to data and high availability. The project concludes with the proper deletion of non-required resources to optimize costs.

If you are interested in database management and want to enhance your skills in using Azure Cosmos DB, this guided project is an ideal opportunity to gain practical knowledge. By completing this project, you will be well-equipped to manage high throughput databases with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB effectively.

Certificate Available ✔

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High Throughput Databases with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
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