
食品安全與毒理 (Food Safety & Toxicology)

National Taiwan University

Delve into the intricate world of food safety and toxicology with this enlightening course offered by National Taiwan University. Explore the evolution of dietary habits and the complexity of food composition, addressing crucial aspects of food processing, environmental contamination, natural toxins, cooking-induced toxic substances, and food additives.

Uncover the fundamental principles of toxicology and their application in food safety assessment. Gain insights into various hazards associated with food and understand the mechanisms of natural toxins, environmental pollutants, and cooking-induced toxic substances. Additionally, analyze the role and impact of food additives on human health.

  • Explore the origins of food safety and dietary culture
  • Understand human tolerance to toxins and environmental pollutants
  • Examine natural toxins in plants and animals, including their effects and risks
  • Investigate the formation of toxic substances during food processing and cooking
  • Gain knowledge about the purpose and impact of various food additives

Enhance your understanding of food safety and toxicology, enabling critical thinking and informed decision-making in the realm of nutrition and health.

Certificate Available ✔

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食品安全與毒理 (Food Safety & Toxicology)
Course Modules

This course encompasses six modules that cover a wide array of topics, including the principles of food and toxicology, environmental contaminants, natural toxins, cooking-induced toxic substances, and food additives, providing a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of food safety and toxicology.


Explore the origins of food safety and dietary culture, understand human tolerance to toxins and environmental pollutants, and examine the purpose and impact of various food additives.


Investigate the formation of toxic substances during food processing and cooking, and gain knowledge about the environmental pollutants and their effects on human health.


Uncover the fundamental principles of toxicology and their application in food safety assessment, gaining insights into various hazards associated with food and understanding the mechanisms of natural toxins.


Gain knowledge about the purpose and impact of various food additives, and enhance your understanding of their role in food safety and human health.


Delve into the complexities of food composition, processing, environmental contamination, natural toxins, cooking-induced toxic substances, and food additives, enabling critical thinking and informed decision-making in the realm of nutrition and health.


Understand the intricate world of food safety and toxicology, addressing the complexities of food composition, processing, environmental contamination, natural toxins, cooking-induced toxic substances, and food additives, enhancing your understanding of nutrition and health.

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