
Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies

New York Institute of Finance

This comprehensive course provides the foundation for understanding the frameworks used to develop market risk management strategies. Learners will gain insight into identifying market risks associated with various financial instruments and will be introduced to techniques for estimating and analyzing market risk. The course covers topics such as value at risk, risk modeling, and managing market risk using derivatives. It also includes a practical project involving the estimation and analysis of risk in a globally diversified equity portfolio, providing hands-on experience in applying the knowledge gained.

  • Understand best-practice frameworks for assessing market risk
  • Estimate and analyze value at risk and use it in risk management strategies
  • Model market factors such as interest rates, equity, and commodity prices
  • Develop asset selection strategies for managing risk in a portfolio
  • Complete a project covering the estimation and analysis of risk in a globally diversified equity portfolio

Certificate Available ✔

Get Started / More Info
Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies
Course Modules

This course is divided into modules covering financial instruments, measuring and analyzing market risk, managing and modeling market risk, and culminates in a practical course project.

Getting Started

Welcome to the Course

This module provides an introduction to the course, outlining the Risk Management Specialization and the course outline. Learners also get an opportunity to introduce themselves and participate in a learner interest survey.

Module 01: Financial Instruments

Welcome to Module 01: Financial Instruments

This module covers various financial instruments such as bonds, equities, and derivatives, providing insights into managing market risk associated with each type of instrument. It also includes quizzes and assessments to check understanding.

Module 02: Measuring and Analyzing Market Risk 

Welcome to Module 02: Measuring and Analyzing Market Risk

This module focuses on techniques for measuring and analyzing market risk, including determining the probability of a loss and statistical measures. Learners will also participate in quizzes and assessments to reinforce their learning.

Module 03: Managing and Modeling Market Risk

Welcome to Module 03: Managing and Modeling Market Risk

In this module, learners will explore market risk measurement systems, downside risk measures, stress testing, and scenario analysis. The module includes quizzes and assessments to evaluate understanding.

Course Project

Market Risk Management​ Project

Learners will engage in a practical project covering the estimation and analysis of risk in a globally diversified equity portfolio. The project involves spreadsheets and a quiz to apply the concepts learned throughout the course.

End of Course

End of Course

This module wraps up the course, providing a conclusion and congratulations to the learners for completing the Market Risk Management: Frameworks & Strategies course.

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