
Introduction to Academic Writing

O.P. Jindal Global University

Welcome to the Introduction to Academic Writing course, where you will gain a thorough understanding of critical reading and writing skills within academic conventions. This course equips you with the ability to construct evidence-based arguments, effectively structure academic papers, write for popular media, and develop dissertations. The comprehensive content covers topics ranging from academic paper structures to policy brief and popular media writing. Engage with a mix of presentations and practice questions to solidify your foundation in critical reading and writing.

  • Gain a holistic understanding of academic writing
  • Construct evidence-based arguments
  • Learn skills for writing policy briefs and popular media
  • Develop insights into structuring dissertations and journal articles

Certificate Available ✔

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Introduction to Academic Writing
Course Modules

This course comprises modules that cover critical reading and writing skills, academic paper structure, literature review and referencing, writing for popular media, policy brief writing, and dissertation writing.

Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing

Module 1 equips you with essential skills for critical reading and writing, including understanding academic paper structures, constructing evidence-based arguments, and synthesizing claims and evidence.

Literature Review and Referencing

Module 2 delves into literature review and referencing, guiding you on summarizing articles, organizing material, and mastering referencing and citation skills.

Writing Policy Briefs and Writing for Popular Media

Module 3 focuses on writing for popular media and policy briefs, providing insights into working with editorial essays, blog posts, and the structure and guidelines for policy briefs.

Dissertation Writing

Module 4 guides you through the stages of dissertation writing, from finding relevant research material to writing the main body of the dissertation and crafting a journal article.

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