
India Customs and Allied laws

PwC India

Embark on a career in Indian Customs and Foreign Trade Policy with PwC India's Specialization. This comprehensive program equips you with the essential knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of Customs compliance and management of imports and exports in the Indian business environment.

  • Understand the provisions of Customs laws and the nuances of India’s Foreign Trade Policy.
  • Become familiar with the terms and documents for Customs compliances and disclosures, computation of Customs duty, and the process for discharging duty obligations.
  • Learn to undertake classification and valuation of import and export transactions, especially in intercompany scenarios.
  • Gain insights into Free Trade Agreements and Special Economic Zones, including eligibility requirements, benefits, compliance considerations, and recent developments.

Upon completion, you will earn a Specialization Certificate from PwC India, equipping you with job-ready skills for entry-level Customs roles in India. This industry-agnostic program is suitable for anyone seeking to acquire fundamental knowledge of Indian Customs, regardless of their professional background. Join now and launch your career in the dynamic field of Customs and Foreign Trade Policy!

Certificate Available ✔

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India Customs and Allied laws
Course Modules

This program comprises three modules. Gain insights into Customs and Foreign Trade Policy, classification and valuation, and Free Trade Agreements and Special Economic Zones. Develop practical skills for excelling in the field of Indian Customs.

Introduction to Customs and Foreign Trade Policy

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the landscape of Indian Customs and Foreign Trade Policy, including stakeholders, administrative and legal framework. Identify import and export provisions, procedures, Customs duty obligations, and export benefit schemes under the Foreign Trade Policy.

Classification and valuation - What you must know!

Learn to determine the classification and valuation of import and export transactions in accordance with Customs Tariff and statutory references. Understand the complexities of related party transactions and compute the Customs duty payable on the transaction value.

Free Trade Agreements and Special Economic Zones

Explore the eligibility requirements, benefits, compliance considerations, and recent developments related to Free Trade Agreements and Special Economic Zones. Gain practical insights into compliance with legal provisions for various business scenarios.

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