
Foundations of Red Hat Cloud-native Development

Red Hat

Foundations of Red Hat Cloud-native Development (DO100a) is a comprehensive introduction to Kubernetes for IT professionals new to cloud application deployment. This course is part of a three-course specialization, focusing on containerized application management with zero-downtime releases.

The course covers essential topics such as introducing containers and Kubernetes, contrasting Kubernetes distributions, using Kubectl, and running and interacting with containerized applications. Through guided exercises and a graded quiz, participants gain practical experience in deploying and managing containerized applications.

  • Gain basic Kubernetes skills for cloud-native development
  • Learn to run, deploy, and test containerized applications
  • Understand zero-downtime releases and container orchestration
  • Practice with guided exercises and a graded quiz

Certificate Available ✔

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Foundations of Red Hat Cloud-native Development
Course Modules

This course comprises essential modules covering topics such as introducing containers and Kubernetes, contrasting Kubernetes distributions, using Kubectl, and running and interacting with containerized applications.

Introducing Containers and Kubernetes

Introducing Containers and Kubernetes: This module introduces participants to the fundamentals of containers and container engines, Kubernetes, and container orchestration. Course materials and guided exercises enable practical understanding and application of the concepts.

Running Containerized Applications

Running Containerized Applications: This module delves into contrasting Kubernetes distributions, using Kubectl, and running and interacting with containerized applications. Participants gain hands-on experience through guided exercises and a graded quiz, solidifying their skills in managing containerized applications.

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