
Procurement Negotiation

Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

This course provides comprehensive training in negotiation skills essential for procurement professionals. Participants will learn to establish negotiation objectives, gather vital information, develop effective negotiation plans, and recognize and counter various tactics. With a focus on understanding positions, interests, needs, and wants, this course also delves into post-negotiation steps for comprehensive learning.

  • Learn when to negotiate and when not to
  • Understand the importance of planning and useful tools for success
  • Recognize positions, interests, wants, needs, and tactics
  • Master key steps to follow after the negotiation is complete

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Procurement Negotiation
Course Modules

Procurement Negotiation comprises four modules, covering the negotiation process, developing a plan, in-negotiation tactics, and post-negotiation steps, providing comprehensive training for procurement professionals.

Welcome & Negotiation Process

Welcome to Course 6, where you will delve into the negotiation process and learn key strategies for successful negotiations. This module also includes a guide to negotiating with vendors.

Develop a Plan

This module focuses on developing a negotiation plan, highlighting common negotiating mistakes, presenting a podcast on negotiation, and providing insights into negotiating styles.

In The Negotiation

In this module, participants will learn about negotiation tactics, how to negotiate with a liar, and gain insights from child-friendly negotiation tips.

Post Negotiation

The final module covers post-negotiation steps, including the after-action review process, a required negotiation case from the buyer's perspective, and optional assignments and practice quizzes for comprehensive learning.

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