
Données et Gouvernance Urbaine

Sciences Po

Données et Gouvernance Urbaine delves into the profound impact of data in reshaping urban governance in the digital era. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between data and the organization, regulation, and practices of urban administrations.

The course content covers:

  • Transformation of urban governance in the digital age
  • Impact of data on power structures and citizen participation
  • Data's influence on contemporary urban service markets
  • Challenges and opportunities in urban policy-making with the arrival of data

Join this MOOC to navigate the evolving landscape of urban governance in the digital and data-driven age.

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Données et Gouvernance Urbaine
Course Modules

This MOOC spans 4 modules, exploring the impact of data on urban governance, capitalism, administration, and algorithmic governmentality.

Quand la donnée arrive en ville

Quand la donnée arrive en ville provides an introduction to the impact of data on urban infrastructure and the politics of reductionism. The module also covers the semantic power of public institutions and the environmental impact of digitization.

Données et capitalisme urbain

Données et capitalisme urbain explores the intersection of data and capitalism in urban contexts, covering topics such as the smart city market, platform effects on territories, and the exploitation of Airbnb data.

Données et administration territoriale

Données et administration territoriale delves into the open data agenda, its implementation in local administration, and its effects on publics and territories. The module also covers the digital aspect of user relations and maintenance actions.

Données et Gouvernementalité algorithmique

Données et Gouvernementalité algorithmique delves into the governance of cities with algorithms, the protection of personal data, and the implications of AI and algorithmic systems on citizens and surveillance. It also includes practical exercises on personal data management and real-life case studies.

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