
Learn JavaScript


This interactive JavaScript course offers 140+ coding challenges, providing hands-on learning and practical experience. Dive into building web apps, games, browser extensions, and mobile apps, enhancing your JavaScript proficiency and problem-solving skills. With a focus on projects rather than theoretical lessons, you'll develop a strong understanding of JavaScript and its application in real-world scenarios.

  • Master the basics of JavaScript programming, including variables, data types, functions, loops, and conditionals.
  • Gain experience in using professional software development tools for coding, collaboration, and deployment.
  • Build a game, a Chrome extension, and a mobile app utilizing Google Firebase for data persistence.

Certificate Available ✔

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Learn JavaScript
Course Modules

In this course, you will progress through modules to build your first web app, a game, a browser extension, and a mobile app utilizing Google Firebase for data persistence.

Build Your First Web App

Module 1: Build Your First Web App

  • Learn to create your first web app using JavaScript.
  • Gain practical experience in web development through hands-on projects.

Build a Game

Module 2: Build a Game

  • Explore game development concepts and techniques in JavaScript.
  • Apply your JavaScript skills to create an interactive game project.

Build a Browser Extension

Module 3: Build a Browser Extension

  • Understand the process of developing browser extensions using JavaScript.
  • Build a browser extension project from scratch, enhancing your practical skills.

Build a Mobile App

Module 4: Build a Mobile App

  • Utilize JavaScript and Google Firebase to create a mobile app with data persistence.
  • Develop a practical understanding of mobile app development using JavaScript.
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