
Learn Markdown


Markdown is a lightweight markup language widely used in various applications such as README files, blogs, forums, and documentation. This course by Scrimba offers a concise yet comprehensive guide to mastering Markdown. Through 24 interactive screencasts, you'll learn how to create headings, paragraphs, text styling, lists, blockquotes, horizontal rules, code blocks, links, emails, tables, and more. The course is designed to provide a vital skill set for developers, and it's relatively easy to learn with the interactive platform provided by Scrimba.

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Learn Markdown
Course Modules

The course consists of 24 interactive screencasts that cover a wide range of Markdown features, including headings, paragraphs, text styling, lists, code blocks, links, and more.

Learn Markdown

Throughout this course, you will learn the key features of Markdown, including creating headings, paragraphs, text styling, lists, blockquotes, horizontal rules, code blocks, links, emails, and tables. By the end of the 24 interactive screencasts, you will have a solid foundation in using Markdown for various applications.

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