
Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Embark on a transformative language journey with "Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1." This comprehensive course, offered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, delves into engaging modules covering language proficiency, cultural appreciation, and practical communication skills. Through immersive content, practice exercises, and quizzes, students will hone their Mandarin skills and gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

Course Highlights:

  • Explore diverse language topics, including hobbies, learning experiences, and job interviews.
  • Enhance language skills through practical exercises and quizzes.
  • Gain cultural insights through modules on cultural appreciation.
  • Develop practical communication skills to navigate real-life scenarios.

Certificate Available ✔

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Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1
Course Modules

Embark on an enriching language journey with "Mandarin Chinese for Intermediate Learners: Part 1." Engage in diverse topics, cultural insights, and practical exercises to enhance your proficiency and understanding of Chinese culture.

LESSON 1 你也喜欢跑步吗? Do you also like running? PART 1

Engage in the first module, delving into topics such as exercise habits, hobbies, and learning experiences. Explore new words, grammar points, and practical exercises to solidify your language skills.

LESSON 1 你也喜欢跑步吗?Do you also like running? PART 2

Immerse yourself in the second module, uncovering cultural insights and language proficiency through engaging content. Enhance your understanding of home furnishings, life comparisons, and emergency situations.

LESSON 2 你学得怎么样?How well do you learn? PART 1

Dive into the third module, focusing on food preferences, language proficiency, and cultural comparisons. Develop practical communication skills and enhance your language abilities.

LESSON 2 你学得怎么样?How well do you learn? PART 2

Embark on the fourth module, delving into topics such as social interactions, language proficiency, and emergency scenarios. Gain insights into job interviews and ideal career aspirations.

LESSON 3 肉夹馍比汉堡包好吃 Roujiamo tastes better than hamburgers PART 1

Explore the fifth module, uncovering job-related scenarios, language proficiency, and cultural appreciation. Enhance your practical communication skills and develop a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

LESSON 3 肉夹馍比汉堡包好吃 Roujiamo Tastes Better Than Hamburgers PART 2

Immerse yourself in the sixth module, focusing on language proficiency, cultural insights, and practical communication skills. Gain valuable insights into job interviews and ideal career aspirations.

LESSON 4 你是跟谁一起去的?Who did you go with?

Engage in the seventh module, uncovering language proficiency, social interactions, and practical communication skills. Develop a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and enhance your language abilities.

LESSON 4 你是跟谁一起去的?Who did you go with? PART 2

Dive into the eighth module, focusing on language proficiency, cultural comparisons, and emergency scenarios. Enhance your practical communication skills and gain insights into job interviews and ideal career aspirations.

LESSON 5 马克去面试 Mark goes for an interview PART 1

Embark on the ninth module, delving into job-related scenarios, language proficiency, and cultural appreciation. Enhance your practical communication skills and develop a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

LESSON 5 马克去面试 Mark goes for an interview PART 2

Immerse yourself in the tenth module, uncovering language proficiency, cultural insights, and practical communication skills. Gain valuable insights into job interviews and ideal career aspirations.

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