
Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success

The State University of New York

This open-access course, "Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success," is designed for individuals seeking to leverage technology for lifelong learning and success. Participants will explore established and emerging technology tools and acquire strategies to develop lifelong learning habits. With a focus on personal and professional growth, the course covers lifelong learning, the 4Cs of 21st-century skills (Communication and Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking), and tools for success in a rapidly changing world.

Structured around five modules, the course encourages discovery-based learning, where participants create digital artifacts through exercises to showcase their learning and accomplishments. The EmTechWIKI complements the MOOC by providing a socially-curated discovery engine to find tools, tutorials, and resources. Learners will have the opportunity to create a public ePortfolio or a personal learning journal to reflect and share their discoveries. Upon completion, participants earn a Coursera Certificate of Completion and a digital badge.

  • Explore established and emerging technology tools for personal and professional growth
  • Develop lifelong learning habits to keep pace with technology change
  • Engage in discovery-based learning and create digital artifacts
  • Utilize EmTechWIKI as a resource for tools, tutorials, and resources
  • Earn a Coursera Certificate of Completion and a digital badge

Certificate Available ✔

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Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success
Course Modules

The course is structured around five modules that cover lifelong learning, communication and collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and summarizing learning, emphasizing the integration of technology tools for personal and professional growth.

Lifelong Learning (Module 1)

This module introduces the concept of lifelong learning and the 4Cs of 21st-century skills. Participants will explore the value of lifelong learning, develop strategies to embrace learning throughout life, and create digital artifacts to showcase their accomplishments. The module also covers topics such as growth versus fixed mindset, digital footprint, and accessibility.

Communication and Collaboration (Module 2)

Module 2 focuses on communication and collaboration, where participants will identify tools and resources to help communicate and collaborate effectively. Activities include reflection and discovery exercises, as well as contributing to improve EmTechWIKI.

Creativity (Module 3)

Module 3 delves into creativity, providing opportunities for participants to explore creativity tools and resources. Activities include reflection and discovery exercises, as well as quizzes to test principles of design and creativity.

Critical Thinking (Module 4)

Module 4 centers on critical thinking, guiding participants to identify tools and resources to think critically. Activities include reflection and discovery exercises, as well as quizzes to test digital literacy and the ability to spot fake news.

Summarize Your Learning (Module 5)

The final module focuses on summarizing learning and identifying tools and resources to continue the lifelong learning journey. Participants will reflect on their learning, celebrate their accomplishments, and have the option for ePortfolio peer-review.

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