
Positive Psychology

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Embark on a transformative journey with the Positive Psychology course offered by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Delve into the research findings of positive psychology, led by Barbara Fredrickson, and discover actionable strategies to cultivate a meaningful life.

  • Explore the tiny engines of positive psychology, delve into emotions and upward spirals, and understand the Broaden-and-Build Theory.
  • Uncover the mindscapes and outcomes of positivity, including broadened awareness, resilience, and the science of happiness.
  • Master the delicate art of pursuing happiness by prioritizing positivity and understanding positivity ratios.
  • Delve into positivity resonance and loving-kindness, investigating the benefits of love and practicing loving-kindness meditation.
  • Discover the fruits and ripples of positivity resonance, including cardiovascular and immune benefits, savoring connections, and fostering gratitude.
  • Experience the ripples of positivity resonance, nurturing gratitude, exploring the birth of new emotions, and understanding the impact of positivity in schools.

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Positive Psychology
Course Modules

Explore the comprehensive Positive Psychology course modules, encompassing topics such as positive emotions, resilience, happiness, loving-kindness, and the impact of positivity on well-being and relationships.

Positive Emotions: The Tiny Engines of Positive Psychology

Embark on a journey to understand the tiny engines of positive psychology. Discover the significance of emotions, explore upward spirals, and delve into the Broaden-and-Build Theory. Engage in an experiential activity to build a positivity portfolio and test your knowledge with a quiz.

The Mindscapes and Outcomes of Positivity

Uncover the mindscapes and outcomes of positivity. Gain insights into broadened awareness, resilience, and the science of happiness. Put your learning into practice with an experiential activity and test your understanding with a quiz.

The Delicate Art of Pursuing Happiness

Master the delicate art of pursuing happiness by prioritizing positivity and understanding positivity ratios. Engage in an experiential activity to take the positivity self-test challenge and solidify your knowledge with a quiz.

Positivity Resonance and Loving-Kindness

Delve into positivity resonance and loving-kindness, investigating the benefits of love and practicing loving-kindness meditation. Enhance your understanding with an experiential activity and test your grasp with a quiz.

The Fruits of Positivity Resonance

Explore the cardiovascular and immune benefits of positivity resonance, savor connections, and understand the impact of positivity on wellness. Reflect on social connections with an experiential activity and test your knowledge with a quiz.

The Ripples of Positivity Resonance

Nurture gratitude, understand the birth of new emotions, and explore the impact of positivity in schools. Take the make a difference challenge and solidify your learning with a quiz.

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