
Welcome to Game Theory

The University of Tokyo

This course provides a brief introduction to game theory, offering a conceptual understanding of key ideas without extensive mathematical requirements. Delve into the application of game theory across various disciplines, including economics, political science, and biology.

Key learnings include the significance of game theory in analyzing social problems, the concept of Nash equilibrium, and the relationship between intellectual capacity and rationality in achieving socially desirable outcomes.

  • Gain insights into why game theory is crucial for analyzing social problems.
  • Understand the significance of Nash equilibrium and why players come to play it.
  • Explore the relationship between the rationality of individuals and socially desirable outcomes.

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Welcome to Game Theory
Course Modules

Welcome to Game Theory, where you'll explore the significance of game theory in analyzing social problems, the concept of Nash equilibrium, and the relationship between intellectual capacity and rationality in achieving socially desirable outcomes.

Why Do We Need Game Theory, and What Does it Tell Us?

Module 1 delves into the significance of game theory in analyzing social problems, offering a preview of the course and exploring the concept of Nash equilibrium.

Understanding Nash equilibrium

Module 2 focuses on understanding Nash equilibrium, exploring its application in scenarios such as the prisoner's dilemma, market competition, and sports games.

Rationality, Knowledge, and Evolution in Games

Module 3 discusses rationality, knowledge, and evolution in games, addressing concerns about game theory, payoffs, and the concept of common knowledge of rationality.

Sustaining Cooperation

Module 4 explores sustaining cooperation, examining group rationality, social thought, mechanisms for cooperation, and the enforcement of socially desirable outcomes.

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