
From Climate Science to Action

The World Bank Group

Discover the vulnerabilities and opportunities for climate action in different regions with the "From Climate Science to Action" course. Delve into the scientific evidence, regional impacts, and climate action strategies. Engage with renowned scientists and policymakers to understand the Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and individual actions to combat climate change. Tailor your learning experience for regions including Latin America and Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, and more. Explore sector-specific strategies and interactive tools such as the Carbon Footprint Tracker and (I) NDC Platform. Take part in discussions, optional exercises, and a final project to create a digital artifact on climate change action.

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From Climate Science to Action
Course Modules

"From Climate Science to Action" is divided into four modules. Module 1 covers climate change in the 21st century, Module 2 focuses on sectoral and regional impacts, Module 3 delves into climate action strategies, and Module 4 emphasizes individual actions and global impact. Engage with interactive video talks, discussions, and optional exercises to deepen your understanding and take action on climate change.

Climate Change in the 21st Century

Explore the historical and projected changes in the climate system, the potential impact of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), and trends in climate change impacts. Gain insights into the responses from natural systems and the potential risks associated with a warmer world.

Sectoral and Regional Impacts

Dive into the sectoral impacts of climate change across different regions, including agricultural production, water resources, ecosystem services, and coastal vulnerability. Understand the risks to development gains and the urgent need for action in these areas.

From Science to Action on Climate Change

Gain region-specific insights on mitigation actions, strategies for reducing emissions, and building climate resilience. Understand the progress of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the outcomes of the Paris Agreement. Engage in discussions with experts on transitioning towards a low-emissions, climate-resilient development path.

What You Can Do

Discover the transformative impact of individual and collective actions on a global scale. Learn about the rationale for acting now, acting together, and acting differently in response to climate change. Explore examples and expected benefits of mitigation and adaptation policies, and engage in a final project to create a digital artifact on climate change action.

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