
Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos

Universidad de los Andes

Discover the dynamic world of game development with the Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos course. Through a series of engaging modules, you will acquire the skills and knowledge to create captivating video games in both 2D and 3D formats. The course, offered by Universidad de los Andes, is designed for individuals eager to explore the realms of video game design, development, and entrepreneurship.

With a primary focus on the Unity game engine, you will delve into the fundamental principles of game design, architecture, asset management, animation, and publishing. As the course progresses, you will gain practical insights into the video game industry, examining effective game development strategies and exploring advanced topics such as shader development and game optimization.

  • Master the principles of game design and architecture
  • Learn agile development strategies and entrepreneurship in the gaming industry
  • Utilize Unity to create 2D and 3D game prototypes
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of game development methodologies and industry best practices

Upon completion, you will have the opportunity to create up to three game prototypes, including one with your original concept. Join this course and unleash your creativity in the exciting world of video game design and development.

Certificate Available ✔

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Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos
Course Modules

The course modules cover a range of topics including Unity game development, game design fundamentals, agile methodologies, 3D game development, and the application of acquired knowledge in a final project.

Desarrollo de Videojuegos en Unity: Una Introducción

Module 1 introduces you to game development in Unity, focusing on creating a 2D platformer game. You will explore Unity's editor, basic programming concepts, and collaborate with students globally.

Diseño de Videojuegos: Una introducción

Module 2 provides an in-depth understanding of game design principles and the role of a game designer. You will engage in designing a game and receive peer evaluations.

Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos

Module 3 delves into agile development methodologies in the context of game development. You will learn the application of SCRUM, industry concepts, and defining a game's value profile.

Desarrollo de Videojuegos 3D en Unity: Una Introducción

Module 4 focuses on 3D game development in Unity, utilizing Github for project management and expanding C# knowledge. Collaboration with international students is a key component.

Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos: Proyecto final

Module 5 involves the application of knowledge acquired in the previous modules to develop a game project, including time management and practical experiences shared with global peers.

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