
Tesoros de la Física y sus Descubridores I

Universidad de los Andes

Embark on a captivating journey through the realms of physics and the brilliant minds that shaped its understanding. From the profound insights of ancient Greek philosophers to the revolutionary discoveries of the modern era, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the universe's fundamental principles and the individuals who unraveled its mysteries.

With a focus on the most significant milestones in our comprehension of the physical universe, you'll delve into the profound impact of key scientific figures and their contributions. Discover the historical and intellectual context in which these luminaries operated, gaining a deeper appreciation for their innovative achievements.

  • Uncover the enduring impact of pivotal discoveries from the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries to the culmination of the 19th century.
  • Associate the foundational principles of physics with the remarkable individuals who spearheaded groundbreaking revelations.
  • Explore the societal and scientific impact of these revelations, contemplating their relevance in both historical and contemporary contexts.
  • Gain a nuanced understanding of the physical universe, igniting a sense of wonder and awe at our place within it.
  • Develop a fresh perspective on the world around us, appreciating the intrinsic beauty of the fundamental physical laws that underpin our existence.

Embrace the opportunity to enrich your knowledge of the physical universe, the active pursuit of scientific inquiry, and its profound impact on our daily lives.

Certificate Available ✔

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Tesoros de la Física y sus Descubridores I
Course Modules

Embark on a captivating journey through the course modules, from ancient Greek philosophy to modern physics, exploring the pivotal discoveries and remarkable individuals who shaped our understanding of the universe.

Introducción a los Tesoros y sus Descubridores

Delve into the origins of physics and the contributions of ancient Greek thinkers. Gain insights into the revolutionary ideas that laid the groundwork for modern scientific understanding.

Revolución Científica - Parte I (Primero las leyes del Cielo)

Explore the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, focusing on the pioneering work of Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. Uncover the transformative impact of their discoveries on our comprehension of the universe.

Revolución Científica - Parte II (Unificación de las leyes del Cielo y de la Tierra)

Continue the exploration of the scientific revolution, delving into the groundbreaking contributions of Galileo and Newton. Understand the unification of celestial and terrestrial laws and their enduring significance.

El conocimiento en época de la Revolución Industrial (átomos en perpetuo movimiento)

Journey into the era of the Industrial Revolution and the perpetual motion of atoms. Explore the foundational principles of thermodynamics and their implications for the modern world.

Unificación de la electricidad, el magnetismo y la luz

Uncover the unification of electricity, magnetism, and light, tracing the pivotal discoveries of Faraday and Maxwell. Gain a comprehensive understanding of these interconnected phenomena.

Conclusiones del curso

Reflect on the course's key themes, from the discovery of electrons to the study of spectral lines and their implications for our understanding of the universe. Embrace a holistic appreciation of the course's diverse subject matter.

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