Embark on a fascinating journey into the intricate world of learning with "Psicología del Aprendizaje." Delve into the fundamental question of what learning truly encompasses and unravel the multifaceted nature of this pervasive phenomenon. From the lenses of behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic psychology, you will gain profound insights into the acquisition of knowledge, habits, values, skills, and beliefs. This course transcends traditional boundaries, offering a holistic understanding that extends beyond mere knowledge acquisition to embracing the transformative potential of learning.
Throughout this immersive experience, you will grasp the mechanisms through which our bodies regulate physiological responses based on environmental stimuli, explore how behaviors evolve into habits or addictions through consequences, and unravel the intricate processes of skill acquisition, cognitive strategies, and assimilation of concepts. Moreover, you will uncover the profound impact of social interactions on the formation of values and beliefs, and ultimately, discover the transformative power of self-integrity and meaningful connections in the learning journey.
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Get Started / More InfoEmbark on a comprehensive journey through "Psicología del Aprendizaje." Explore the intricacies of learning from behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic perspectives, gaining profound insights and skills to recognize and apply learning processes in diverse contexts.
Welcome to the course "¿Qué es el aprendizaje?" This module provides a warm introduction to the course, delving into the innate vs. acquired dichotomy, and defining the essential traits of effective learning. You will explore the regulation systems of behavior and engage in engaging activities to enhance your understanding of the learning process.
Delve into the realm of associative learning in the module "Aprendizajes asociativos." Uncover the principles of classical and operant conditioning, examine reinforcement programs, and analyze contemporary applications. Engage in thought-provoking activities and videos to deepen your understanding of associative learning and its impact on behaviors and habits.
Embark on a journey into the realm of constructive learning in the module "Aprendizajes constructivos." Uncover the techniques, strategies, and pathway to expertise, distinguish between literal and conceptual learning, explore social cognitive learning, and immerse yourself in activities to comprehend procedural and declarative learning. Additionally, explore the profound impact of learning centered on the learner and engage in thought-provoking activities to solidify your understanding of constructive learning processes.
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