
Universidade de São Paulo

Universidade de São Paulo is one of the most prestigious universities in Brazil. It offers an extensive range of courses and has a robust research program. The institution is committed to academic excellence and has numerous collaborations with international universities.

6 Universidade de São Paulo Courses

I. Missões jesuíticas nos territórios guaranis: história

Universidade de São Paulo

I. Missões jesuíticas nos territórios guaranis: história

Inove na gestão de equipes e negócios: O crescimento da empresa

Universidade de São Paulo

Learn how to manage teams and grow your business with professionals from top Brazilian startups. Gain insights into scaling, culture, leadership, talent development,...

Introdução ao Teste de Software

Universidade de São Paulo

Introdução ao Teste de Software provides essential knowledge and skills for software testing.

Marketing Digital

Universidade de São Paulo

Aprenda a desenvolver estratégias de marketing digital para empresas e startups, abordando conceitos como ROI, SEO, SEM, funil de conversão e plataformas como...

Off the Clock: The Many Faces of Time

Universidade de São Paulo

"Off the Clock: The Many Faces of Time" delves into a transdisciplinary exploration of time, encompassing human and non-human perspectives. Join this thought-provoking...

Redes Ecológicas

Universidade de São Paulo

Redes Ecológicas offers an introductory exploration of ecological networks, delving into fundamental concepts and practical applications in R programming for analyzing...