
Science Literacy

University of Alberta

Fake news or good science? The Science Literacy course offered by the University of Alberta delves into the crucial skill of scientific literacy and critical thinking. This course empowers learners to differentiate between science and pseudoscience, understand the scientific method, and critically evaluate information in mainstream and social media, among other essential skills.

The course is structured into five enlightening modules, each exploring diverse aspects of science literacy. From understanding the process of science to differentiating between empirical, anecdotal, and logical evidence, participants will engage with thought-provoking content and activities. Notably, the course features special guests such as Timothy Caulfield and Dr. Torah Kachur, adding valuable insights to the learning experience.

By the end of the course, students will have honed their critical thinking abilities, be able to form well-balanced scientific arguments, and feel confident in their capacity to analyze and evaluate scientific communication effectively. Science Literacy is a must for those seeking to navigate the overwhelming abundance of information in today's world.

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Science Literacy
Course Modules

Science Literacy comprises five engaging modules designed to enhance learners' critical thinking and scientific literacy. Each module explores essential aspects of science literacy, equipping participants with the skills to discern between good science and pseudoscience.

Module 1: Introduction to Science

Module 1: Introduction to Science

  • Explore the process of science and learn to differentiate between traditional and scientific knowledge.
  • Engage in thought-provoking activities that build critical thinking skills, such as analyzing biases in decision-making and differentiating between empirical, anecdotal, and logical evidence.
  • Assess your understanding through quizzes and activities that apply the newly acquired skills to scientific questions and controversies.

Module 2: Pseudoscience

Module 2: Pseudoscience

  • Delve into the complexities of pseudoscience and learn to identify hallmarks of pseudoscience and logical fallacies.
  • Reflect on the works of Carl Sagan and explore the concept of uncertainty, distinguishing between science, fraudulent science, and bad science.
  • Engage in discussions and activities to critically evaluate claims and assess associations, enriching your understanding of critical thinking in the context of pseudoscience.

Module 3: Critical Thinking

Module 3: Critical Thinking

  • Explore alternative explanations and the intricacies of correlation, causation, and replicability in evidence.
  • Learn about critical thinking terms and concepts, including falsifiability and Occam's Razor, through engaging activities and article analysis.
  • Enhance your critical thinking skills by examining extraordinary claims, assessing associations, and understanding the importance of falsifiability in research and decision-making.

Module 4: Scientific Methods

Module 4: Scientific Methods

  • Gain insights into research techniques, variables, and research design, understanding the fundamentals of the scientific method and hypothesis testing.
  • Engage in activities that explore the role of blind fish in scientific studies and gain a comprehensive understanding of the components of a scientific paper.
  • Assess your comprehension through a quiz that reinforces your understanding of scientific methods and research design.

Module 5: Interpreting Evidence

Module 5: Interpreting Evidence

  • Gain a scientist's perspective on peer review and delve into the realm of statistics, science communication, and media reporting.
  • Enhance your ability to interpret evidence by analyzing descriptive and inferential statistics, understanding statistical significance, and evaluating science communication in the media and social platforms.
  • Reflect on the importance of peer-reviewed articles, open data, and the role of scientists in communicating science to a general audience.
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