
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

University of California, Davis

Gain expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) through this Specialization offered in partnership with Esri. Learn to analyze spatial data, develop maps using cartography techniques, and collaborate with peers in GIS-related fields.

  • Define core geospatial concepts and practice with subset data
  • Design data tables, work with raster data, and create web maps
  • Apply geospatial analysis focusing on 3D data, working with rasters, projections, and environment variables
  • Expand knowledge for geospatial analysis and develop new skills for advanced geoprocessing tools within ArcGIS Pro

The course culminates in a Capstone Project, where you'll create a professional-quality GIS portfolio piece, combining data identification, analytical map development, and spatial analysis techniques.

Certificate Available ✔

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Geographic Information Systems  (GIS)
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover fundamental GIS concepts, data formats, geospatial analysis, and applications across industries. Gain expertise in GIS software for professional use and develop a professional-quality GIS portfolio piece.

Fundamentals of GIS

Define core geospatial concepts and practice with subset data using selections and feature attributes. Create map books using advanced mapping techniques and layer and map packages.

GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality

Design data tables, work with raster data, and create web maps. Write query strings to subset data and use relational databases for joining data.

Geospatial Analysis with ArcGIS

Apply geospatial analysis focusing on 3D data, working with rasters, projections, and environment variables. Gain skills to conduct network-based analysis, demonstrate heatmaps, and expand knowledge of data storytelling.

GIS Applications Across Industries

Expand knowledge for geospatial analysis and develop new skills for advanced geoprocessing tools inside of ArcGIS Pro.

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