
Market Research

University of California, Davis

"Finding the Story in the Data” is the most important emerging capability for market researchers. This specialization by University of California, Davis equips learners with a comprehensive marketing research approach. Through this course, students will learn to initiate and conduct research, analyze data, manage specialized suppliers, and deliver insightful recommendations to stakeholders.

  • Compose a professionally packaged research plan or proposal
  • Analyze focus group data and create a focus group report
  • Design an effective questionnaire and launch surveys
  • Analyze survey results, synthesize research findings, and deliver insights

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Market Research
Course Modules

This specialization consists of four modules: Research Proposal, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, and Research Report. Each module equips learners with key skills and knowledge essential for conducting effective market research.

Research Proposal: Initiating Research

Determine possible market research constraints and appropriate questions in the research planning process.

  • Assess the credibility and value of secondary research
  • Apply basic sampling theory to a given situation
  • Compose a professionally packaged research plan or proposal

Qualitative Research

Explain limitations and risks of qualitative research and demonstrate effective recruiting strategies for focus group participation.

  • Create a moderator guide and design a screening questionnaire
  • Analyze focus group data and create a focus group report

Quantitative Research

Create an effective questionnaire, launch surveys, and analyze data using best practices for writing questions and response options.

  • Predict common pitfalls in designing and implementing quantitative research
  • Perform basic calculations and describe data with descriptive statistics

Research Report: Delivering Insights

Synthesize research findings, develop insights, and effectively deliver recommendations to stakeholders.

  • Assess the changing roles of digital and traditional advertising
  • Apply storytelling strategies in presentations
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