
Planned Giving

University of California, Davis

In this comprehensive overview of planned giving, participants will gain an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts in the field, as well as an overview of each planned giving vehicle. The course covers how to identify and assess prospective donors, recognize planned giving benefits to donors, match a donor’s interests and needs with appropriate planned giving options, and structure successful solicitations. Participants will understand the importance of administration of planned gifts to ensure compliance with policies and fulfillment of obligations to the donor.

  • Gain an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts in planned giving.
  • Understand various planned giving vehicles and their benefits to donors.
  • Learn to identify and assess prospective donors and match their interests and needs with appropriate planned giving options.
  • Develop a multi-step donor strategy and marketing strategy, and analyze success factors through case studies and networking.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to develop a multi-step donor strategy and a marketing strategy, work on case studies, network, and analyze success factors in planned giving.

Certificate Available ✔

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Planned Giving
Course Modules

Planned Giving consists of four modules covering various aspects such as general tax considerations, charitable gifts, planned giving options, donor-centered giving, planned giving administration, and planned giving resources.

Course Overview & General Tax Considerations, Charitable Gifts, and Deductions

The first module provides an introduction to general tax considerations, charitable gifts, and deductions. Participants will gain insights into the tax implications of charitable giving, understand deductible and nondeductible gifts, and learn about local planned giving associations. The module concludes with a quiz to test understanding of the topics covered.

Planned Giving Options and Donor Centered Giving

The second module delves into planned giving options and donor-centered giving. Participants will learn about various planned giving vehicles such as charitable bequests, gift annuities, pooled income funds, and charitable trusts. Additionally, the module covers identifying planned giving donors and building relationships with them, aligning donor interests with strategies, and concludes with a quiz to assess learning.

Planned Giving Administration

The third module focuses on planned giving administration, highlighting the importance of structured planned giving with legacy management in mind. Participants will understand the documentation of gift acceptance policies, building relationships between investment, gift, and accounting teams, and providing donors with clear disclosures. The module also covers marketing fundamentals that drive successful planned giving and includes a quiz and assignment on developing a donor strategy.

Planned Giving Resources

The final module explores planned giving resources, including specimen agreements for charitable gifts, planned giving software, and planned giving associations. Participants will also develop a multi-channel marketing plan and a planned giving advertisement, attend a professional planned giving associate meeting, and engage in self-reflection to reinforce learning.

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