
Qualitative Research

University of California, Davis

In the Qualitative Research course, you will explore in-depth the qualitative market research methods essential for successful market research projects. From understanding the differences between qualitative and quantitative research to designing qualitative instruments and conducting focus groups, this course equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in qualitative market research.

The course covers the limitations and risks of qualitative research, effective recruiting strategies for focus group participation, and the process of organizing and analyzing qualitative data. By completing this course, you will be able to create a focus group report following common business practices in qualitative market research.

  • Understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research
  • Create moderator guides and screening questionnaires for focus group recruitment
  • Implement effective recruiting strategies for focus group participation
  • Analyze and interpret qualitative data to create impactful focus group reports

Certificate Available ✔

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Qualitative Research
Course Modules

The course modules cover qualitative market research methods, from understanding qualitative research to conducting focus groups and analyzing data for impactful reports.

Getting Started and Qualitative Research

This module introduces the essential components of qualitative research and explores the various qualitative research methods. It also covers the limitations and risks of qualitative market research, providing a comprehensive understanding of qualitative research processes and strategies.

Design Qualitative Instruments and Plan Recruiting

Module 2 focuses on designing qualitative instruments and planning recruiting strategies. It provides best practices for writing questions and probes, designing moderator guides, and creating screening questionnaires for focus group recruitment. The module also includes activities to apply the learned concepts.

Conduct a Focus Group

Module 3 delves into the process of conducting focus groups, from recruiting the right participants to managing group discussions and handling various situations. It covers the purpose and objectives of focus groups, as well as strategies for ensuring active participation and effective moderation.

Analyze, Interpret and Communicate Qualitative Market Research Data

The final module focuses on analyzing, interpreting, and communicating qualitative market research data. It includes the process of transcribing focus group discussions, interpreting notes, and writing focus group reports following common business practices. The module also discusses bridging from qualitative to quantitative research.

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