
Business Analytics for Decision Making

University of Colorado Boulder

In "Business Analytics for Decision Making," participants delve into the world of data-driven decision-making through a comprehensive exploration of predictive and prescriptive analytic models. This course offers an invaluable opportunity to grasp the significance of optimization in identifying optimal solutions for complex business problems. Learners will acquire the expertise to implement optimization techniques and judge their appropriateness in practical business challenges.

The journey begins with an in-depth understanding of cluster analysis, a powerful technique for data reduction essential for market segmentation. Moving forward, the course delves into the realm of Monte Carlo simulation, offering insights into modeling uncertainty prevalent in various business decisions. Participants will emerge adept at identifying the best course of action among multiple alternatives using optimization techniques, thus gaining a competitive edge in the business world.

  • Understand the significance of optimization in identifying optimal solutions for complex business problems
  • Implement optimization techniques to identify the best possible course of action among multiple alternatives
  • Judge the appropriateness of optimization techniques in finding optimal solutions for practical business challenges

Certificate Available ✔

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Business Analytics for Decision Making
Course Modules

The course modules cover essential topics such as cluster analysis for data reduction, Monte Carlo simulation for uncertainty modeling, optimization techniques for identifying the best course of action, and advanced decision analytics for better decisions.

Data Exploration and Reduction — Cluster Analysis

Participants commence their journey with an exploration of cluster analysis, a vital technique for data reduction essential for market segmentation. This module provides a comprehensive understanding of hierarchical and k-Means clustering, utilizing tools such as Excel and XLMiner to enhance proficiency in cluster analysis.

Dealing with Uncertainty and Analyzing Risk

This module delves into the realm of Monte Carlo simulation, equipping learners with the skills to add uncertainty to spreadsheet models, analyze results, and leverage historical data for modeling uncertainty. The acquired knowledge is applied through assignments and discussions, offering practical insights into the application of Monte Carlo simulation.

Identifying the Best Options — Optimization

With a focus on optimization and decision making, this module empowers participants to formulate and solve optimization problems, evaluate scenarios, and visualize results to gain practical insights. Learners explore real-world applications of optimization, gaining valuable expertise in identifying the best options among multiple alternatives.

Decision Analytics

This advanced module delves into models for better decisions, covering binary optimization problems, metaheuristic optimization, chance constraints, value at risk, and simulation optimization. Participants gain a deeper understanding of how organizations optimize their systems to make better decisions, enhancing their decision-making capabilities.

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