
Computing, Ethics, and Society

University of Colorado Boulder

Computing, Ethics, and Society delves into the ethical implications of computing systems and technologies on society. It examines the impact of automation on employment, algorithmic bias in AI, and ethical issues within tech workplaces. The course helps learners identify and manage ethical situations in their careers and lives.

  • Explore the ethical challenges in computing technologies and applications
  • Understand and apply ethical frameworks to analyze ethical challenges
  • Analyze issues in the culture of tech workplaces
  • Reflect on how technology influences the job landscape

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Computing, Ethics, and Society
Course Modules

This course covers foundational ethical considerations in computing, algorithmic bias in AI, and ethical issues in computing applications, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of the societal implications of technology.

Computing, Ethics, and Society Foundations

Module 1: Computing, Ethics, and Society Foundations

  • Identify and manage ethical situations in careers
  • Apply ethical frameworks to analyze ethical challenges
  • Explore ethical issues in internet use and social media impacts
  • Understand key issues related to misinformation on the internet

Ethical Issues in AI and Professional Ethics

Module 2: Ethical Issues in AI and Professional Ethics

  • Examine algorithmic bias in machine learning algorithms
  • Analyze instances of algorithmic bias related to gender and race
  • Describe the main code of professional ethics in computing
  • Reflect on issues in the culture of the tech workplace

Ethical Issues in Computing Applications

Module 3: Ethical Issues in Computing Applications

  • Identify and manage ethical situations in careers
  • Analyze ethical issues in key technology applications
  • Reflect on the influence of technology on the job landscape
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